Embrace Your Period

Let's face it mama's, we all know that time of month is not the greatest. For some it's worse than for others. So many things factor into it. Some of us are on birth control, some have an IUD, some use the old fashioned be careful and time everything, pull out, and so on. I'm writing this blog as I struggle. I have struggled for years now. But, I won't bore you with my stories.

Anyway, I want to help you understand and explain what actually goes on during the monthly cycle. Like I mentioned before, EVERY woman is different and everyone is affected differently.

First this is the BLEEDING:

On the first day of your cycle, your progesterone levels drop significantly, which causes the shedding of your uterine lining. Progesterone is considered an anti-anxiety hormone, so this sharp drop might have you feeling more agitated. Estrogen also drops during this time, and your energy is at the lowest level in your cycle.

During this week, you may feel tired and withdrawn. You'll want to rest more than you usually do. You won’t be feeling at your best this week, but this is natural — so be patient with yourself.

Then there is HORMONES (Follicular)

This phase follows just after menstruation. It's called the follicular phase because your pituitary gland releases a hormone called follicle stimulating hormone, which stimulates the follicles in your ovaries to mature. These contain your eggs.

During this week, your estrogen and testosterone levels will rise. This will bring a boost in your energy and will improve your mood. Your confidence will rise and you may find yourself more extroverted and willing to take risks. Testosterone also enhances your libido.


Ovulation is the culmination of all the hard work your body has been doing over the last couple of weeks. An egg gets released from its follicle in your ovary and will survive for 12 to 24 hours. If you’re trying to get pregnant, now is the time. And if you’re not — be careful!

Estrogen and testosterone both rise to peak levels. Your self-esteem will be at its highest and you'll likely feel sexier and more confident than at any other time in your cycle. (or not, EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT)


The first two to three days of this phase will feel a lot like the ovulatory phase. That will begin to change when estrogen and testosterone start to decline and your body starts producing progesterone. Remember, progesterone is an anti-anxiety hormone — like a natural Valium — so you'll find yourself beginning to wind down. Now is a good time for nesting, chores, and taking care of to-do lists.

The second half of this phase is notoriously difficult for many women. The significant drop in estrogen and testosterone can cause PMS symptoms like cravings, bloating, headaches, anxiety, and moodiness.

So now that you have a little more insight, (you probably already knew all that right?) here are some tips to help you get through your cycle.

Take a long evening walk.
Listen to your favorite album with the lights low and a diffuse calming essential oils.
Nap outside.
Dance — by yourself, in the kitchen, in a class, out on the town.
Write in your journal.
Make a meal, set the table, and enjoy without distraction.
Go to your favorite coffee shop and order a special drink in a mug.
Snuggle a pet.
Visit a museum or window shop alone.
Draw or paint.
Spend time on a hobby.
Do yoga. If you already practice, try a new class or do it by yourself.
Take a bath with epsom salts infused with essential oils. Grab your starter kit here!
Bake, just for the sake of it.
Have a spa day at home. (Perfectly Posh is AMAZING!!) Check it out here!
Meet up with or Skype someone who makes you feel supported.
Watch a funny film or a beloved classic.
Take a picnic or have breakfast in bed.
Reread a book you know you love.
Knit, do a crossword puzzle, or play an instrument.
Try something fun or relaxing you've always wanted to do but haven't gotten around to yet.
Sit in nature.
Get a massage.
Watch the sunset or sunrise.
Mindfully, eat some dark chocolate or fresh berries.

Take this time to focus on yourself. I know as moms we don't have time for that right? I get it. Trust me I do. But it doesn't have to be all at one time. A little here and there will help a ton.

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We are always here to answer any questions!
